
Showing posts from October, 2011

A Big Draw event!

The BIG DRAW! event: Friday 28th October 1.30 to 3.30 cost £4 per child, free for accompanying adults I have partnered with the Salisbury International Arts Festival to invite people on a " Drawing Walk" with a twist; I will take people around the River Bourne Community Farm walking trail to create drawings in the landscape. We will take a new look at the landscape and draw shapes with different materials, including our own body, at different sites. We will add each moment of the walk to our maps. Come and take part in this experimental walk and put forward ideas for more art to be created on the farm land. Please book with Salisbury International Festival on 01722 332 241

Talk:"The Horn of Plenty"

Talk;" The Horn of Plenty" Saturday 15th 5.30 to 7.00pm Laurence will be presenting her Arts Council Funded project, "A Thousand Sheep" and will be discussing artistic process, being at the farm and using its natural resources and managing an Arts Council Grant. Laurence is expecting guest speaker David Burton, from Natural England and possibly further speakers tbc. The first part of the event will take place in the field where Laurence has been working for the past 5 months. The rest of the talk(from 6.00pm will be in the Big Barn of the farm yard(fully wheelchair accessible) Please bring walking shoes/wellies and torches.(please note that the field is a 500 yards walk from the farm and has uneven grounds. The event will end with a chance for you to sample some of our best products from the local Farmers' Market and a complimentary glass of wine to accompany this. Cost £5(please book at the farm, 01722 330 667)