A Thousand Sheep, the making!
Published on 23 Jul 2013 A Conversation with the Landscape Our relationship with the land, throughout human history, has been governed by two vital needs; finding food and defending ourselves. The response through farming and the military defence has progressively reshaped the British landscape and its ecology. I created an art residency at the River Bourne Community Farm, Salisbury, UK, and was awarded an Arts Council England Grant to develop a large installation made from sheep fleece dyed with madder plants. "A Thousand Sheep" was an open invitation to the public to get involved in making a large piece of contemporary artwork from natural resources. The process was to provide the trigger for conversations and reflection on our impact on the environment and shape of the landscape. Through a commitment to using traditional processes and materials, the piece challenged the limits of sustainable living in a contemporary context. The project has seen over 15000 visitors