Amazing participation!

“A Thousand Sheep” art project has created much interest and involvement in the community;

  • Over 10000 visitors of which 1800 school children
  • 700 school children involved in the making, 85% of whom were from army’s families(from Coombe Bisset school, Clarendon Junior school, Wellington Academy and Godolphin school.)
  • 150 adult and youth volunteers of which 50 art students
  • over 80  local, national and international artists were involved in discussions and making of the pieces.
  • 20 recovering soldiers from Tedworth House
  • 8 local organisations
  • 6 work experience students
  • 5 farmers
  • 4 local businesses
  • 1 film maker

Quotes from participants

I've watched Laurence's ideas evolve from the start, unfolding from a really rigourous concept through to a living, growing project, drawing in people from all walks of life, makers, beginners, experts and involving them first hand in the life of the work. During the process Laurence has gathered new skills, knowledge, and expertise under her belt, while collaborating with a growing group of professionals and organisations, all of whom have become part of the unique story of A Thousand Sheep.

Susan Francis

 I liked the washing and dyeing of the wool, it was awesome! I had a nice time.
Young Carer

1,000 Sheep brings together all Laurence’s skills as artist, creator and facilitator; a huge range of children and adults have been part of the making of a rich and beautiful artwork.
Gill Roberts
Ageas Salisbury International Arts Festival

“I loved handling the raw wool, it made me think of how much was involved in making a garment before factory processes took over”

“So many people have been involved in all the processes we have seen or done”

“I love the way the artwork raises strong questions as well as gets us to make things”
Youth participants

“ A lot of thoughts and hard work have gone into this”

“ I learnt really interesting skills, really cool project”
Youth participant

“I loved coming to the farm to do art, can I come again?”
Youth participant

Silence of the pre school children watching the spinning wheel in action.


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