Looking back at a school project!

During October and November, the Tidworth area board and Wiltshire Council, supported a project at the  Clarendon Junior School. The school as over 85% army children.
I spent 3 days with the children making over 300 bundles, in which we included a wish or message for the earth, for peace or for respect.

The students of the wellington academy helped finishing the bundles made by the Clarendon Junior school children on the following week.
Read the article about it from Wellington Academy Newsletter:

"Over the half term break on Tuesday 23rd October, GCSE and A level textile students had the fantastic opportunity of participating in a workshop with French artist Laurence Dube-Rushby. Laurence is currently based at the River Bourne Community Farm for a year and is working on an installation piece using sheep fleece and natural materials.
“A Thousand Sheep” is an attempt to represent the landscape by using its natural resources; the sheep in the fields mark the perspective. They feed off the land and influence its shape.
Laurence had previously been working with local primary schools to produce small red wool bundles which our students then used to create and transform into larger bundles that will form the overall structure of the installation. The day was very productive and formative, with students learning new skills such as wool carding by machine and hand. They also got the chance to spin their own wool using a drop spindle.
Students set themselves a target of 100 bundles which at first, if I’m honest, thought wouldn’t be possible. But through teamwork, hard work and many red dyed hands I am pleased to announce that they were very successful, reaching a whopping 102 bundles. It’s reflective to say that the day was enjoyed by all and opened the students eyes to the work of practicing textile artists and craftspeople.
Read some student comments below:
"I thought the day was very different because I’d never imagined working with a real artist on her project. I can’t wait to see the finished exhibition." - Lily Spanswick, Year 9
"I found the day really fun and really enjoyed learning some new skills". - Ruby Macey, Year 9
"It took a lot of skill to make the bundles because you had to wrap them up really tight, tiring but worth it!" - Molly Sanderson, Year 9


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